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While my sculptures usually consist of smaller units, the components work together to create a large presence. The entirety is something that cannot be taken in quickly but requires a viewer to investigate the whole and its many parts. Each unit to me is not an individual piece but a mark, like a brush stroke, that combine to form the whole piece. The flow between the whole piece and the parts and vice versa is essential to creating moments of complexity. The work should dominate the space, not sit there timidly.

Often taking my inspiration from the universe around me, I attempt to capture the ephemeral quality of common place yet distinct moment.  This fleeting moment is the fugitive beauty I strive to capture in my art, but the work is no more permanent than the original.  Through my work I attempt to share this moment with the viewer by drawing them in and letting them linger. 

I intend for my work to have a bold almost overwhelming presence which encourages the viewer to explore the hundreds of delicate pieces, each placed so carefully to be examined, savored, and pondered. My art is about asking questions and provoking thoughts. The only answers that my pieces have are the ones that the viewer brings to it. I create art as an opportunity to inspire exploration rather than give the certainty of a sermon.   

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